Friday, September 20, 2013

Examination and Tests

Look for Ishrat Hussain Eng.
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Examination or test

Everybody knows about the exams, every student is well aware, because after passing in the final exam he will receive his degree or certificate, this degree or the certificate is nothing but his award or reward for his ability.
It is agreed before the exam between the students and the authorities, that the students will be given a chance to learn and practice and the authorities gives every chance and facilities to the students, they provide them teachers, good teaching materials, good class rooms, plenty of time, and practical resources and up-to-date syllabus and test exam question paper pattern and the parents of the students gives them plenty of their resources, give them food, books, time and encouragement, on the other hand the teachers and professors give the students best of their knowledge and guidelines and share their experiences, and inform the students before the actual examination date.
The teachers and the authorities treat the students with plenty of love and compassion during the entire learning period, everybody helps the students, the teachers and the authorities treat them with kindness and care, and guide them for the final examination, and a date is fixed for the final exam.
And the day of the examination is fixed, every student knows it well before a long time, and well before the term of the school or college finishes, the authorities declare the date of the final exam.
Every student tries to study hard to get passed in the final exams, now on the day of the exam the student is allowed to write the answer paper, the questions are provided by the authorities and a chance is given to the student to prove his ability to pass the exam.
Now on this day the student is left alone with the examination hall and examination supervisors supervise the hall and the students, the student cannot copy and he cannot get any help to solve the questions and to write the correct answers, all the teachers and the authorities turn strangers for the student on this day, now if the student beg for help then there is no help for him, because he was given a fair chance, a long time and plenty of resources, if he misused them and wasted the resources, then he must suffer today, there is no sympathy for him, his teachers and the examiners who were his favorites till yesterday,  turned strangers today, now nobody will help him, whatever he had done during the training will show its results on this day, if he had been a good student then he will write the answers correctly and quickly, and he will be passed.
The analogy of exams is same for our world life, this life is a chance given for the humans by the creator of this universe, the creator is our teacher in this life and he will be our examiner at the time of our exam, we are students till the day of judgment, before the day of judgment, our creator has given us every opportunity to learn and behave, he has given us different patterns of life and till the day of examination he will wait, and this day of judgment comes daily in our life, it is not that far long, and when the day of examination will come for each and every individual, then that day the individual has to face the exam, the present world life of the individual simultaneously is day of exam and the chance for the test, each and every second is dual in nature, each second is simultaneously a examination day and preparation day for all of us, you should not be confused with the biblical day of judgment with this daily examination scenario, the biblical day of judgment will be a final day of judgment for whole of the universe, but this daily day of judgment is an ongoing process for all individuals of this world, all the necessary information and guidance has been given to us for the preparation of our daily exams, our brain and intellect is a universal guide for us, we must behave nicely with the other fellow creatures, we must recognize our creator and we must hope for fair trial and judgment from our creator.
Our creator is our teacher, he is our guide and he is our examiner too, so during daily examination we must try to pass his test, and if we started begging for help, then how the examiner will respond to you, will he respond to your prayers, no he will not, so be practical.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

rigidity of Islam or Black mailing and side effects of religions

The topic of this article is not the terrorism, but the stiffness and rigidity of Islam.

In today’s world and in the light of science except Islam, no other religion of the world can even stand firm, the science and logic has proved every religion wrong and logic and science has shown that all the religious concepts are psychological products of human mind, but only the Islam remained firm and invincible even by most modern science and its theories and discoveries, each new discovery in science and space proves any other concept of Islam correct, which was still not touched by human knowledge.
All religions of the world are surrendered in front of the new science and logic, only the Islam is still not conquered by the science.
So the Islam is the only rival in the modern era, and the enemies of Islam could not prove the Islam wrong, so they started blaming Islam and Muslims by different propaganda, using media control and miss quotes from Islamic books and history, they are also using history as a tool against Islam and Muslims.
False flag operations of terrorism are being carried out in different parts of the world and the blame goes on Muslims, 
Why this enmity against Islam?  This is because islam was the most popular religion of the world, it was spreading very fast in Americas and Europe, and this spread was even without any missionary work and efforts from any muslim of the world.
On the other hand Christian missionaries are working since last two centuries restlessly and pouring enormous amount of money in the way of spreading the Christianity.
Islam on the other hand was popular among all of Europe and western world without any support and effort, the peoples themselves were reaching the book shops, purchasing books and converting themselves into muslims,
Looking this danger of Islamic dominance in the intellectual world the elders of west implemented the plan to stop Islamic invasion of the world by blaming muslims and islam in the name of false terrorism.
Poor Muslims were hired to carry out different terrorist acts and an environment of hatred was created, the ways of hiring muslims for terrorist acts was carried out by very expert persons and organizations, it is so covert that even muslim clerics fell prey to their conspiracy and contributed in carrying out the terrorist acts.
But the topic of this article is not the terrorism; rather it is about the need for adaptations and accommodation in the present era and in the next century, keeping in view the modern life style and modern needs of the peoples of the world.

There is no problem in Islam and it's all teachings, it's Hadiths and Quran and all the teachings and sayings of Prophet Muhammad PBUH are true and correct, and genuine, the problem is not the Islam but the peoples who are following it, it's own peoples have failed to understand Islam correctly, Islam is the most miss-understood religion by it's own followers.

Our beloved prophet Mohammad PBUH established Islam and it's rules in Medina, he established a sect less society, that society had one leader, and all muslims were advised to be a part of that society only, they were not allowed to follow different leaders and they were not encouraged to live in other locations without establishing links and contacts with that prime leader in Medina.

After the death of the prophet PBUH, he was followed by 4 rightly guided leaders ( Caliphs ), and after the fall of caliphate the muslim society disintegrated in countless sects, and problem started from this point.

The early muslims tried their best to preserve the same teachings of Islam in the decayed society, and their intention was good, and this should be true always, but their idea of imposing the same rules and regulations on the decayed society was out of context, because the society was no longer remained sect less society and the society was not accepting one leader unanimously, so the original islamic rules were out of place for them.

For the True Islamic rules to be applied to a society, the society should be a sect-less society, this society should be following a common unanimously elected or selected leader, and this society should strictly follow the orders of that leader, and lastly the aim of existence of this society should be to establish the rule of God in the society and to spread the message of Allah in the other human populations.
If any society, which is not doing any one criteria from the above mentioned points, then this society is not a perfect islamic society, and the rules of islam will be out of context for this society.
The example of out of context rules imposition is like this, suppose a boy is forced to study military training, the tight rules of military training are being imposed on him, and he has to wake up early in the morning 5:00 A.M. for exercise and arms and ammunition  operation training and the whole day he has to be alert for any unexpected order from his tutor, and till he sleeps he has to be every time reporting in the military camp and a limited food is being given to him every time and most of the time he has not given any time for his entertaining and relaxation is a far fetched dream in his life, and the whole life of this boy was spent in the alert position, this boy did not joined the army, and  there did not came any time in his life to actually fight and combat with the real enemy, and days passed and this boy becomes a old man and dies off.
This boy was always wanted to be a Doctor or Engineer, he was always day dreaming while he was under the military school.

This example shows that although the military rules and training are all true and correct and genuine, but they were out of context for this boy, because the intention of this boy was to become a Doctor or Engineer, but his parents imposed military training on him and this boy spent all his life in a different and unwanted regimen and finally died as an lost soldier.
When he was in military training he finds the training very boring and repulsive but his other colleagues were comfortable with that, because they were made for that, but this boy was not made for military.

In the same way some peoples find the religious obligations boring and repulsive and some people enjoy them.

The Muslim Salah ( Prayer ) and saum ( Fasting ) and Hajj the major Pilgrim all are military training to keep a muslim always alert, some enjoy them and some does not.
Although all muslim believe in One God and his all prophets and in all books and life after death and heaven and hell and his angels and in the almighty god. all believe that all the laws and rituals and prayers are for the collective benefits, in the same manner we all believe that undergoing military training is for the collective benefits of the nation and society, all agree that the military training and education and its benefits are supreme.

The example of imposition of True Islamic rules on this current muslims society is the same out of the context, all of we agree that the Islamic rules and the Quran and all the Hadiths are true, correct and genuine, no doubt, but they are out of the context if we impose them on the present muslim society all over the world.

The present muslim population throughout the entire world is not the muslim society seen by the Prophet Mohammad PBUH. today we are not sect-less, we do not follow a common unanimously elected leader and our aim of life is not to establish the rule of God in our society, and we are not spreading the message of Allah in other humans, see all the muslim countries in the world, and show me any one country which is true muslim society, no muslim country has unanimously elected single leader whom all the strata of people obey, no muslim country want to impose shariya law, see Turkey, to Egypt to Pakistan and Indonesia and all other muslim countries,. No muslim country is a true Islamic State.

now imposing the true and genuine Islamic laws is mere a out of the context phenomena and it will not benefit the society, but it will ham the society and its individual members.
And the muslim Ulamas are not understanding this phenomena and they want to impose the islamic regimen on the muslims, and these muslim ulamas are miss understood the phenomenon, they are in misunderstanding from last 1400 years, and still they and all muslims are conterminously in misunderstanding.
After the 4 th  caliph Hz. Ali. (RA). the muslim society no longer remained the ideal muslim society, and now the standard of it's assessment should and must be changed, but our ulamas are in coma, so they could not comprehend this change.
Now in modern time, if any muslim perceives or understands this change, then he finds that Although Islam and all it's present teachings and all hadiths and Quran are true and correct, but we cannot impose the rules of That Islam on This muslim Society.

First thing which  I want to clarify is that the islam is not mere a religion, but it is a balanced blend of ideology and religiosity.
The ideology part is the basic concepts of islam about the world and the God and the peoples, this part tells us that there is a perfect God, who has created everything, and he given us a chance and after that he will judge our deeds and then he will reward or punish depending the deeds.
This part also tells us that the God had made arrangements of guiding us by his selected messengers and instruction books and booklets, then these booklets and guidance many times became corrupted and lost but the God finally sent a protected guidance with a last and final messenger, and this is Islam.
The first part of ideology teaches us that we should believe in only one perfect God, and in the details of good moral behaviors and how to behave nicely with other persons considering their rights.
The Second part is related with the religiosity, it is about the mode of pleasing the God and asking him pardoning the mistakes. this second part is the part of practices and rituals.
There are very few rituals for worshiping the God; and really the Islam is this much simple, and this was Islam at the day of the death of the final messenger.
Now what we see today about Islam and its rituals and customs is another story, and this story begins with the death of the final messenger, after the death of the messenger Prophet Mohammad (SAW), he was succeeded by a democratically elected person as his caliph, who happened to be his friend and a devoted person, four such rightly guided caliphs were succeeded by democratically elected procedure, in the era of these four caliphs the message of Islam surpassed the boundaries of the Arab peninsula and there arose the need for guidance to the new generation of peoples who newly converted to muslims, so a procedure for referring to the deeds and acts of the prophet (SAW) and quotes from the final guidance (The Quran)  was devised and this method remains the major player in Islamic law making method.
But as per the guidance of the prophet (SAW) the law maker muslims were instructed to follow the advice and consensus of group of learned advisors, and the advise was known as ijmaa, so the muslims were ordered to adhere to the consensus.
 This facility of using ijmaa was very helpful to give the muslim community a dynamic ability, it help the islam and muslim survive in different situations and scenarios.
In the time of the four rightly guided caliphs the activities of Islam were fully in compliance with the ijmaa. But after the abolishment of the caliphate of the fourth and last rightly guided caliph Hz. Ali Bin Abu Talib (RZ), the Islamic empire was headed by a western styled tyrannical emperor and from this date muslim lands came under empirical rulers and kings, these kings and emperors had little interest in islam, mostly they were nominal muslims, they had interest in expansions in their empire and their own luxuries, this empirical situation remained more or less as it is.
So after the fourth rightly guided caliph of Islam, the reins of Islam came in the hands of the early clerics and amateur muslim scholars, who were serving as local law makers, these scholars heavily relied on the quotes from the Quran and the traditions of the final prophet Mohammad (SAW), because these scholars were not in power so they lacked the luxury of having enough ijmaa, although they tried their best in getting consensus from friendly scholars around them but the  situation started getting worse day by day owing to a little support and interest from the ruling elites on one hand and increasing heresies  in muslim society and a heir less community on the other hand, but these early scholars managed to use some kind of ijmaa and they solved various problems faced by the islam and muslims in general, from these scholars emerged the four famous school of thought in islam, they are Hanafi school, Shafii, Hanmbali and Maliki school of Fiqh ( Halacha).
On the other hand the deviant sects continued their own ways in islam and developed in hundreds of different sect in muslim society, they got diverted in many hundred different sects from yazidism to druze, and from alevites to bohra and many more, entirely opposite to islamic belief.
Unlike Judaism the sects of Islam were based on the differences of the opinions on the First Part of Islamic Ideology, and the second part of all these sect remained fairly uniform, and in Judaism the sects are differing only in the second part, but they are uniform on the first part (i.e. Aqeeda.), this difference of aqeeda put the muslim sects directly at 180 degree with each other.
If the muslim sects were to differ on the second part, it might have had far more better than the present situation, in the present situation every other muslim sect can be charged with a fatwa of Kufr.
In judaism all the sects differ in terms of the practices, so they cannot be termed as kafirs as per halacha.

Becoming sects is very unfortunate situation for the muslims.
And this situation remained more or less same throughout the middle ages to the present era.
On the other hand the true muslims all over the world remained adhered to these four schools of thoughts and they are following their rulings until today, and real islam remained preserved till today, but it is frozen in time, since last more than 1433 years the islam remained the same.

After the fall of rightly guided caliphate and after the imposition of empirical system on the muslim society, the muslims failed to save the Islamic core, which is necessary for any closely knit society to exist, and this core was the one common leader.
The instrument of ijmaa was lost slowly because now the muslims became sects and loss of unity of opinion in muslim society.
And now real difficulty arises, once the versatile instrument of ijmaa (Consensus) got obscured, they present day amateur scholars of islam heavily relied on the quotes from quran and the Hadiths of the final prophet (SAW) for any solutions for the problems of the modern society of muslims all over the globe.
The ijmma facility was to solve the problems in the real time situations, but when the scholars started seeking solution without the ijmaa in the present lifestyle, then it really made the islamic rulings hard and rigid and stiff.
Therefore today islams seems to be very hard and inflexible, inappropriate to practice in the modern life style and in the next century, if someone really want that the islam should survieve till next century then he must restore the ijmaa, the human intellect is also a guide in the way of ijmaa.
The ideology of islam will and shall remain the same, it should not change and need not to be changed, only we need to change the mentality of the scholars to finds solutions for modern problems by ijmaa  and not by traditions, the facility of ijmaa is given to us for this purpose only.
The ideology will remain same, there is only One God, he is perfect, he will judge and he will reward and punish and we should behave nicely with each other considering the rights of each others, now who opposes this ideology? Nobody can oppose this!
The stiffness and hardliner picture of islam is not natural, we must relieve islam and muslims from this burden, in modern times we must make Islamic laws more flexible and more accommodative, this is the need of the day. And this will be a real progressive islam,
The modes of worship and the times and preparation for the worship and various do's and don’ts must be relaxed in the new Islamic reforms by consensus and ijmaa, but the toughest bottleneck in the way of muslim progress is the sectarian differences.
Unless a sect free and democratic society of muslims not comes into existence headed by a rightly guided caliph, till then the situation will never change and the islam will never see the sun of next millennium.
In the coming couple of centuries, Islam will be totally extinct, there will remain few scattered muslim bidati sufi type peoples in certain government protected villages probably near grave yards or sufi shrines, these peoples will be those peoples who will survive as endangered species and protected by governments in wild life national park like areas, and these peoples will be allowed to dwell such areas and the students will study certain psychological phenomena of those muslims.

The need of the present day is relaxation in the rigidity of rituals, and this problem can be successfully resolved by use of God gifted intellect and Ijmaa, because the present era is the era of Intellect, the intellect is the guidance by default.

So now in present Era we must use our intellect and brain and the ijmaa is a form of this collective intellect, so to save islam and muslims in the new centuries we must give relaxations in the second part only, the first part must remain intact, as the first part never interferes with daily activities. The seeds of destruction of Islam are already sown in the proceedings of Islam in the form of rigidity of laws, for most of the peoples it is difficult to abide by laws every time, so if any muslim feels difficulty in following any ritual then he himself feels that he is committing kufr, because there is no room for disagreeing in any of religious issues in islam, this problem is the main cause of muslims becoming apostates or progressive, this situation might have been prevented if we in islam had the flexibility in laws, at least in the laws of the second part, in other religions there are peoples who have difference of opinions, but they are never termed as kuffar by their clerics, but in islam, if any person feels slight disagreement, even in the second part, he will be awarded with the fatwa of kufr, and he himself feels this guilt, so there remains no other option in front of him to turn completely away from islam or submit in front of those rigid laws and rituals. and due to these rigid laws either one has to follow them or feel guilty in himself because he could not follow them correctly, and this guilt feeling leads him one day completely alienated from the true islam, now if we want to safeguard islam in the next centuries then, we must stop any type of blackmailing.

If the muslims had kept the tradition of ijmaa alive since its inception way back 1400 years, then the relaxations or say mutations might have not felt, but if now we or any wise muslim scholar or even rightly guided caliph of muslim will try to introduce relaxations in the second part then the change will be seen very pronounced because of the millennium gap.

Not only the Ijmaa, but we must use our brain and intellect, since only ijmaa is also not sufficient when a thousand stupid peoples agree on some thing and call this ijmaa. so we must use our intellect in the present life style.

There are innumerable problems in the muslim society world wide, but you may have noticed that the clerics only discuss matters which are actually not troubling the societies, every Friday there is compulsory sermon from each mosque in the whole world, you might have noticed that the friday sermon discusses relatively unnecessary topics.
if the clerics use this opportunity of friday semon or mass to discus more serious and more trouble some problems of muslim society then it might have far more better than to discuss about the benefits of miswak (Brushing the teeth) and the benefits of darood.(sending Blessing on the Prophet SAW).

I agree that there should be strict laws, but these strict laws should be against dowry problem in muslim marriages, the dowry should be strictly prohibited and forbidden or Haram, but these things are never discussed in friday mass and sermon, the friday sermon is only used to show off the knowledge of the cleric.

The strict laws should be against injustice and various customs which are nothing to do with islam, and for the matters which are related with the interactions with the other members of society(Huquq al ibaad).

The dowry is the major problem in the muslim society now, to destroy islam only dowry is sufficient, we do not need any dajjal (Antichrist) to destroy islam, dowry alone is most effective.

The ulama of islam should use the friday sermon to cultivate justice in the society, but they are discussing less important things as if the muslim society has overcome all its problems.

Due to the lack of intellectuals in the muslim clerics, they have rendered islam one of few most irritating religions of the world, by their rigid rules and laws, the other most irritating religions are sikhism and judaism.
The Worships should be due to inner urge of love and not by compulsion, if somebody has love he will himself seek to praying and davening, we cannot black mail him for these acts.

And the relaxations should be in the matters of practices and rituals, and for personal matters.

for every problem of islam and muslim society only the clerics (Ulamaa) are responsible, because this is the clerics who are the progenitor of sects and difference.

Even the jews had preserved the Sanhedrin, even after the destruction of their temples one after another, but the muslims could not keep the burning torch of ijmaa alive, they even could not kept the tradition of bayit and becoming mureed and murshid, even though this was adviced to them by the final prophet (SAW).
Now any religion which will offer relaxation to its followers will survive.
The Arabic meanings of word ISLAM is surrender in front of the will of God.
So the will of God is not to make difficulties for the people, the difficulties are made by the peoples who miss understood the facts and situations.

We should recover as quickly as possible from our present declining condition, otherwise we will not be the inhabitants of new millenniums.

There is a Hadith in this connection. the meaning Romans is the Europeans.

ایک  ایسا  لڑکا  مطلوب  ھے  جو  اپنی  بیوی  کو  برقع  کی 

پابندی  لازم  نہ  کرے  اور خود  بھی  داڑھی  نہ  رکّھے 

دیکھو  یه  ھے  دین  میں  سختی  کرنے  کا  نتیجہ 

لوگ  دین  سے  بیزار  ھوتے  جا  رھے  ھیں 

ثبوت  خود  دیکھہ  لو 

دیکھئے  ان  کے  الفاظ '' اندھے  عقائد  اور  رواج ''  یعنی 

داڑھی  اور  برقع ،   ٹوپی 

To be good person and good society is very good, one must be a good person.
but one must not be so good that the other less good persons take over him, or
one must not be excessive good, lest the less good peoples take hold of the affairs of
power and government in their hands and then they will definitely govern all other
peoples and society as per their will.
so the good peoples should be such good that they should not let less good
people take over them and their society.
To be good person and good society is very good, one must be a good person.
this is the ideal of each and every religion and Islam is no exception in teaching.
Islam teaches and encourages to be a good person, the Quran and Our beloved
prophet Muhammad PBUH teaches us to be good, he encouraged by his innumerable
hadiths and saying to be a good person and good society, nearly ideal and utopian.
The Daily five time prayers, the Fasting of the Month of Ramadan and the sayings of
our prophet PBUH all are for making the persons good and pious.
and early followers of Islam tried their best to follow the sayings of our prophet PBUH.
and they became so good that when Mr.Muawiyah and his son snatched the Islamic
Caliphate from the hands of good peoples then the good society did not had enough courage
to resist them, and as a result the Islamic empire established by sacrifices of innocent
early muslims started deteriorating in the following centuries and culminated in the fall
of Islam and muslims in the modern times. this was the result of becoming excessive
Generally the good peoples who are good by nature and birth are more interested and attracted towards religions and and adopt piousness, and the bad peoples are always remain same, the religions try to make good peoples more good and more good, this situation keeps the good peoples, who try to abide by the rituals and prayers, always preoccupied with the thoughts of properly observing the prayers, and once in a while if they missed any one prayer, their minds got guilt feeling of missing a prayer or worship, this guilt feeling fills their brain and keep it preoccupied, and they do not have time for thinking for their own survival, and they can not cope with the worldly problems, and at this moment the bad peoples get the chance to dominate them.
The Islam instructs its followers to become good and more good and more good at every next breath, and the muslims could not got any chance to cope with the situation when bad people tried to hijack islam,  this was one of the cause of the fall of Islamic empire. 

it seems that Islam itself have key of it's self destruction hidden in it's teachings.

Islam is Logical, Scientific and it is real Truth and all other religions other than Islam are illogical and unscientific and product of human imagination and intellect, either they are by products of the evolution or they are fear factor generated, but they all are destined to perish, but Islam is different, it will not perish if we help it evolve into a more realistic ideology, we must give relaxations in its rulings, we should retain its "Axioms of Faith" i.e. the creed, (1) There is no God other than one God, and Mohammad is his messenger, (2) Allah the One God is just and merciful, he is recording our deeds and he will reward us or punish us depending our deeds, (3) The One God (Allah) will resurrect all of us for justice and compensations, (4) Allah has sent his guidance in the form of his messengers and holy books, (5) Allah is all powerful and mighty, and all the known and unknown things and universes, multiverses etc are his creation, and every thing is known and dictated and intended by him. etc.

Easy Islam.

Today the enemies of Islam have succeeded in defaming and blaming and accusing Islam and Muslims with false accusations, this is because of envy and jealousy, because the Islam is only that religion in the world which cannot be defeated by modern science, and all other religions have long been defeated in the arena of science, so the peoples whose own religion has been dumped down in the trash bin of science cannot see Islam surviving.

And Islam is the only religion in the world which has the ability to become the religion of the majority of people, and at present this world is controlled and dominated by non muslims so they know that if Islam becomes the religion of majority, then the power will vanish from their hands, so they are at war with islam, this is natural.

So the enemies of islam from all over the world are utilizing every possible means to defame islam, they encouraged the various sects in islam, even they are tried to insert fake sects in islam for example the ahle Quran or Quran only sect,   or the Ahmadi , Qadiyani muslims.

But Islam still has its pure ideology, although there are thousands of different sects in islam but pure islam is still distinct and intact and easily accessible, and there are considerable peoples following true islam.

In all other religions different sects formed due to reaction to the environmental conditions, but in islam unfortunately the sect formation was not based on the reaction to the environmental challenges, but rather it was the differences in the misunderstanding of islam.

Yes I am telling that the sect formation in islam was not triggered by the reactions to the environmental challenges nor it was due to the differences of the opinions, but it was due to differences in the misunderstanding of the islam itself.

The islam is the most misunderstood religion in the world, it was not only misunderstood by non muslims, but it was misunderstood by muslims either, the muslims who misunderstood islam formed their own sects.

Now you will think that, then how to find true islam, amid this crowd of thousands of sects, do not worry the islam is intact, the true islam is intact in the millions of true followers of islam and in the Quran and Hadiths, the Quran has remained uncontaminated still today, there are refined and pure Hadiths to guide us, do not worry.

The Islam is not a new religion, it is the same religion of Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Moses, and Jesus and of all the prophets of Bible, Torah and Talmud, it is the continuation of the ideology of One God, only One God.

Now you may ask a natural question here, then,  if the islam is the continuation of the Judaic religion then there are existing Christianity and Judaism, then what is the necessity of islam as a new edition, or revival of Judaism.?

The answer of you natural question is that, although the Judaism and Christianity were in existence in the world at the time of arrival or revival of islam, but those religions and their followers were corrupted and those religions were contaminated by false ideologies and the peoples were left corrupted and exploited by the ignorance.

And the condition of the peoples of the Arabia and other parts of the world was worse than the peoples of the Middle East, the Christians and jews were at war with each other and wanted to exterminate each other, they were not reforming the superstitious customs and beliefs of the peoples under their influence, now in this situation there was a need for a new reforms not only in religion but also in the social strata, there was need for a person who will work on the war like basis for the reformation.

In this time of ignorance islam arrived as a new religion in Arabia, it is nothing but the continuation of the faith of Abraham, prophet Muhammad PBUH worked war like basis and he was given a very short time period to accomplish the task of reformation in Arabia, he worked only 23 years, and he was successful in spreading islam in all of the Arabian peninsula in his life of 23 years, he fought wars and he was busy day and night, he concurred all of the Arabia and turned all of its inhabitants to islam only in 23 years, he conveyed the true message of God, the Quran, and he established a powerful empire, he reformed the social strata, he reformed the laws, he reformed the economy, he reformed the judiciary, he reformed the superstitious peoples, he left a guiding legacy known as Hadiths.

The ideology of islam is that “ There is only one God, the God has created All of us, he has created everything, the God has given us a chance to behave nicely with each other, he has given us free will and time, and he is recording each and every event, and in the last he will give us our reward or punishment, depending our acts and deeds, he has guided the man kind since their existence, he has sent us guidance in the form of prophets and his books, he will resurrect each and every person in the last, he has justice and power in his hand, and therefore all of us have to recognize him and obey him and we must behave nicely with each other.

This part of the Islam is called the ideology of islam, this part is not different from the orthodox Judaism, and this part is the best part of our religion, this ideology is the best of all religions.

The part of islam which concerns more and which has more friction is the second part, the second part of islam is the rituals and practices, this includes the do and do not dos,

The prayers, and the pilgrimage and the fasting of Ramadan, and different customs adopted by different sects, the different customs and other things are nothing to do with islam, if they are not complying with the Hadiths and Quran.

Islam was spread by the prophet Muhammad PBUH, he has a little time to accomplish a great job, he was given only 23 years by the God, so he worked on war time basis, he trained his followers on war time basis, and all his efforts were directed towards spreading of islam to a maximum of the population in least time, so he trained and dictated to his followers as warriors.

For the initial 13 years he spread the ideology of islam, he utilized modest means of communication and tried hardest to convert the local people to accept his ideology, but the success was far from hopes, then he took an aggressive strategy and trained his followers to be missionaries, he tested them by their hard working and God imposed daily five time prayers and 30 days fast in the month of Ramadan and 2.5% zakat tax on the wealth and 20% agricultural tax , and the missionaries were tested by various hard ships, but the followers were passed from each test and the islam became the fastest growing religion in the life time of prophet Muhammad PBUH.

In the short span of 23 years prophet Muhammad PBUH made muslims, a group of missionaries, the muslims were trained as missionaries and they were instructed to follow a strict regimen of prayers, in order to keep them active in the task of spreading islam and establishing Islamic shariyah.

The peoples who have responsibility of spreading islam on their shoulders must be very active and noble in character, therefore the daily five time prayers is the best method of purification.

If someone who accepts the ideology of islam, becomes a muslim, but to be a good missionary he must be trained and purified by daily five times prayers and hajj and 30 days fasting once yearly and paying Islamic taxes and abiding with the strict regimen of dos and don’ts.

A person who accepts the ideology of islam, but do not want to become a missionary can remain a muslim as long as he accepts the ideology of islam.

But islam is the religion of missionaries, because islam is the last religion of the last era and now there is no time remained, now the day of judgment is near, there is no time left.

Today what 99% of muslims are doing, they have only accepted the ideology of islam and they are reluctant towards the extensive training regimen of daily five time prayers and other obligations.
Up to 400 hundred years the initial muslims were missionaries, they spread islam in the vast land and after that their generations enjoyed the fruits for 1000 years, they were not missionaries like their fathers and forefathers, so slowly the power from their hands passed to the peoples who were more active, the Europeans proved to be more active in warfare and in spreading their Christian religion.
Now the people who want to sit idle after accepting the ideology of islam can sit idle but there must be groups in each locality who should get extensive training and cleansing and they must spread islam as their forefathers had done.
All individuals in a society cannot be missionaries, there always will be persons who will have more energetic and they should become the missionaries and there will always some peoples who wanted to become mr. do nothing, this is quite natural, let them sit idle, they will accept the ideology and they will help by taxes.
This is need of time, now we need revival, and we need peace and justice to be prevailed in the human society, and for this there should be groups among us who will spread the message of islam and its ideology for laymen.
Misunderstanding islam many western peoples are trying to make islam moderate, many muslim conspiracy hatchers say that the America and Israel want to change islam and they are spreading their version of islam, I say no need to moderate islam and islam itself have this facility, the persons who want to sit idle can sit idle after accepting the Islamic ideology, and the peoples who want to spread islam will undergo extensive cleansing and training as per the prescribed daily prayers, 30 day fasting and hajj pilgrimage and zakat taxing and other obligations.
Because at present we do not have distinctions between these two type of peoples in muslim societies and all peoples are mixed, therefore it seems from outside that islam is extremist and all muslims are aggressive, but actually muslims are peaceful and only due to misunderstanding of the training regimen it is seen that islam is extremist, actually there are 99% of muslim population is laymen and want to be laymen, the laymen and the missionary type of peoples are mixed, these two type of peoples are mixed in muslim societies and the outsider sees all muslims to be aggressive.
Due to this misunderstanding by the muslims and non muslims alike, there are some peoples trying to moderate islam by inserting false sects in islam and by spreading their own version of American or Israeli version of islam.
The hundreds of muslim sects are knowingly or unknowingly helping our enemies to carry out their dirty games.
Islam is peaceful, islam wants to restore peace and justice in the society and islam want that peace should prevail, it is the enemies of islam who have succeeded in projecting the inverse image of islam.
Islam is peaceful, this is not mere a claim, but it is fact, see the Quran and Hadiths and the History.
These were only muslims who supported and sheltered the jews in the past, all the nations were their enemies, only in Islamic empire the jews were living peacefully, you can’t deny this fact.
If we separate the two type of the peoples from society, then we will see that islam is fully peaceful, this is need of time.
The history has been distorted by the enemy historians, so be care full in reading from it, read only Islamic sources.

In the real societies there are schools, collages, universities and education, there are different faculties of education and there are peoples who take different subjects and excel in them, but there are always peoples who are good or best in one faculty but are not so good at another, for example there are some peoples who becomes Doctors, they are good in biology but they did not became Lawyers and policemen because they were not good at law, and on the other hand there may be some people had success in business and they have factories and investments and property, because they were good at business but they did not became Engineers because they were not good at science, in the same way there are always real peoples in the societies who are good at some thing and not so good at other, for instance take the example of religion, there are some peoples who can become priests and other peoples did not.

The Islam also have no exception, there are some peoples who are more energetic and enthusiastic at religion and there are others who are less, so the more energetic peoples leads the communities in religion and the less enthusiastic peoples are happy to follow them.

This does not mean that the Islam  is not perfect, in fact the Islam is perfect, Allah says in quran that " Today I completed the Deen for you". this verse was revealed to our prophet PBUH on the day of Hajj.

The Deen (Way of Life) is complate and perfect, it will never change, and no body can change it, and it is the Ideology of Islam, the ideology of islam will never change, if it changes, then it will not remain Islam any more.

The ideology of Islam is perfect and it will and it shall remain same forever.
The Ideology is La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasool Allah.

" There is not god except Allah alone, and Mohammad is is messenger."

and the essentials of belief as described in above lines.

In the same way as the schools and collages have books and faculties of knowledge, but every body can not learn all the subjects, each person is unique, he learns what suits him, and this does not mean that the Universities and colleges have incomplete knowledge,
The knowledge is complete and perfect, but the peoples are not perfect.

So there is different syllabus and subjects for different kind of peoples, different kind of peoples need different syllabus and subjects, all peoples can not be taught the Engineering, and Law, and Medicine and Surgery and Business Accounts and Commerce,

So if the societies have different kind of peoples then there must be different syllabus in religion too, we can not whip all animals with the same lash.

The Quran is correct and the Hadiths of our Prophet Mohammad PBUH are true and all are correct, now it is the need of time to reconcile the truth of our religion and the challenges of modern life styles, our ulamas have to use the device of ijmaa, because of lack of understanding in the ideology and practices of islam today we are seeing a very harsh islam.

There are always peoples in societies who become champions in certain faculty and there are 90 % other peoples who could not become as even a good one.

If anybody accepts the ideology of islam and believes firmly in that ideology he is a muslim forever.

The smart future humans.

The Humans in future will be more smart, and in case of religion
they shall choose a single religion for all humanity, and regional groups and countries
shall enforce a dominant religion on all its citizens, all the citizen of individual
countries should get assimilated in the dominant religion of the land, religious
differences should not be allowed and tolerated for the greater benefit of the society
in the whole and it is for the good of the peoples also.
the single religion shall recognize only one god and nice behavior for all peoples.
and all peoples should obey the law of land and the religion of the land compulsorily.
There is nothing in any religion all are same and equally beneficial for the survival of human race.
All religions are beneficial for human survival, people who believe in any religions tends to be depression free and hence the religions have survival advantage, although the religions are not product of evolution, but they are tools for human survival, rather they are favorable tool for human survival, as humans and animals started differing, their brains too started differing and the humans started thinking logically, hence the religion is a product of human intellect, and in the beginning all the religions were a belief in one deity, the thought of fear and hope made more deities  afterwards as humans developed communication skills stories became myths, myths are later additions in the primitive monotheistic belief.
Therefore religion is beneficial for human survival, whatever the religion be, it is one and same, all religions or any religion has same anti depressant effect, thus any religion has survival benefits, and hence all religions are equally beneficial for the health and psyche of humans, now we need only one thing, we should quit the fighting and we should avoid the side effects of the religions, and embrace an universal one god religion, , and this universal religion is logical and real, it will give us survival benefits for the future.
Human intellect has recognized the presence of One God, this is the one and only true religion out of thousands of naturally and logically produced religions, the one god has made the human intellect in such a way that it has recognized the God, this is the aim of creation.
Human intellect and brain should recognize the God, when it does recognize the One God then it can be said that it is true and sound brain and intellect.
The people who recognized the presence of one God in every society were the prophets.
The most people think that the evolution is for the life only, but in fact the evolution is not for the life, but it is for the intellect, the intellect is the final product of evolution, not life, life is just a tool for the evolution of intellect.
The evolution produced life and the life is for the production of intellect, and intellect is for logic and logic is for discovering God.
study the evolution, you will see that since the beginning of the first living molecule and a cell, the life is feeding to the brain, all few cells cooperate to form a organism and all the cells work to feed the brain of that organism in each and every living thing, as the organism evolves more life forms and insects and animals and plants and trees developed, but it was the brain for which each living body was serving and feeding, and finally the brain of humans got developed and it started thinking logically to discover the One God.
The intellect is for recognizing and for discovering of the God, and the aim of life is to discover the God. ( Allah ).
Belief in God and his judgement and rewards and punishments after the death is not only beneficial but it is also a logical thought and it also has survival benefits, people who believe in any religion tends to be optimistic and depression free, this keeps them healthy and energetic and this tendency is guarantee of survival.
Now the humanity is standing on a threshold of evolution where we have to decide whether we evolve in more smart species of end up here in fighting due to the side effects of religions.
All religions are like Medicines/drugs, they do have benefits and they too have side effects, after benefiting from religions, whatever remains left over is nothing but it's side effects.
The only one universal and true and correct belief and religion is the one who tells that there is only one God.
all religions are equally beneficial for survival, keeping one god in mind, if anybody want to survive he should adopt the prevailing beliefs in his region, and this is real and true survival for this fittest.

By: Engg. Ishrat Hussain Muhammad.